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Scan & Fly

With the Scan & Fly stations, passengers can check in their hold baggage autonomously and quickly. With this project, Bologna Airport has been a pioneer in airport innovation. In fact, the Marconi was the first Italian airport to implement the service, installing eight stations in the check-in area, which are now being upgraded.

New services are also being considered, such as baggage collection from home or from other points distributed in key locations (trade fairs, stations, hotels but also in airport car parks, at dedicated stands). The aim is to allow the passenger to enjoy the airport and all its services and ultimately to make the overall client experience more and more relaxing.

The vision behind this concept is that of an increasingly smart and interactive airport. The airport of the future is moving towards a digital and less physical logic, which AdB has been working on for some time for a seamless and unrestricted experience.

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