Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Bologna Airport is among the most dynamic and attentive entities in Italy for gender equality, diversity and inclusion policies, a position that began a long time ago with two important aspects that attest to its commitment.
In 2023, AdB obtained the ISO 30415:2021 - Human Resource Management - Diversity and Inclusion certification, the first airport operator in Italy to obtain it. Marconi was assessed on its level of maturity with respect to the principles of diversity and inclusion in the areas of personnel management, governance, leadership, culture of inclusion, and its relations with suppliers and stakeholders.
In September 2022, the airport operator obtained the Gender Equality certification based on Uni PdR 125:2022. The objective of the certification is to support a programme of cultural change in organisations and society to achieve fairer gender equality by overcoming the stereotypical vision of roles and thus stimulate the country's economic and social growth. Bologna Airport was also the first Italian airport to obtain it in this case, and with the highest score.
With numerous projects already underway, the company's primary objective is to keep developing more initiatives to monitor and further reduce the gender gap. Furthermore, the promotion of these issues outside the airport perimeter is also of primary importance in order to positively influence organisational behaviour aimed at creating an increasingly inclusive society. Among the latest initiatives launched, in 2023 Bologna Airport promoted workshops with students in middle school classes with the aim of defeating gender prejudices and providing participants with ideas and food for thought for a more informed choice about studies and employment.
Training courses were also carried out on these topics for talented resources, middle managers and operational staff within the Group. The commitment to training on environmental, social and economic sustainability issues also continues with the dissemination of "training pills" and the provision of specific courses for technical figures.